Saturday, September 06, 2008

Of Hurricanes and New Beginnings

It is something less than auspicious to arrive in a new city in the midst of a hurricane, but I think Hanna may be an appropriate metaphor for the political squall I suspect awaits at the end of this bus ride.

(Aside: Have you ridden the Bolt Bus yet? Running the Boston-NY-DC corridor, the coaches feature extra legroom and free wireless. And if you're the first person to buy a ticket for a given trip, your ticket is $1! If, as I hope, they sponsor Usain Bolt, I'll never again patronize another bus company.)

In Washington, I'll be going to work for NDN, a progressive policy think tank and advocacy organization, as personal assistant to President Simon Rosenberg, and as a staff researcher. It feels like a good time to be working for Democrats-- even if not directly for a campaign. The race for the presidency is close, competetive and getting to be nasty. I'll offer a few thoughts in a forthcoming post.

I feel compelled to put in a plug for my mother's new book, even though, if you're reading this, you probably already own a copy. Jim Copp, Will You Tell Me A Story got a rave review from Daniel Pinkwater on Weekend Edition this morning, and has since shot up to #54 in books on If you've got a little cousin, or a baby shower to go to, or a 6 year-old's sense of humor (I include myself here), you'd be a sucker not to buy a copy.

The sky is clear-- I think I'm in the eye of the storm. Washington, DC-- here I come!

UPDATE: Me mum's book peaked at #30 on Amazon's best-seller list... but then Amazon ran out of copies! Now you can't get the book anywhere for two weeks... While it's nice to know it's so popular, the loss in sales is pretty irritating.


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