Monday, December 11, 2006

Oh yeah, I have a blog

A scant four days of classes remain for me here at Beijing University, before I skip out along with my fellow CIEE students. Everyone else is condemned to an extra 3 weeks of classes, plus two weeks of exams… it comes with living in a country that doesn’t believe in Jesus. I’m making preparations for a short trip to Shanghai early next week, after which I’ll be back up to Beijing to catch my flight out on the 21st. Heavens, how time flies.

Speaking of ends and conclusions, my final column appears in today’s issue of the Tufts Daily. The friendly editors kindly squeezed in a poetic verse at the end of the article, which, though absurd, makes for a grand farewell. Enjoy.

The highlight of this past weekend was an event held by the Beida Hip-Hop club, of which several of my classmates are members. They rented out a dance club downtown, and held a party/dance competition, which was both excellent entertainment and terrific fun. Some students from neighbor Qinghua (China’s #2 University!) showed up, and danced everyone’s pants off, to say nothing of their own.

On a note entirely unrelated to China, I have concocted a brief activity for you, my readership. In commemoration of the United Nations inducting a new Secretary-General this Thursday, I offer you this quiz:

Below are 18 names; 9 of them are the 9 Secretary-Generals of the United Nations, past and present. The other 9 are characters from Star Wars. You have to pick out the Secretary-Generals— no cheating!

Kofi Annan
Kleb Zellock
Calo Nord
Ban Ki-moon
Gizor Dellso
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Yarna D'ai Gargan
Joh Yowza
Javier Pérez de Cuéllar
Dag Hammarskjold
Kitik Keed'kak
Trygve Halvdan Lie
U Thant
Plo Koon
Kurt Waldheim
Clegg Holdfast
Momaw Nadon
Gladwyn Jebb

Administer the quiz yourself, or send me your guesses. In test runs thus far, nobody has scored 100%, and I have given it to several people whose intellects I used to genuinely respect. The first person to get them all right wins a wallet-sized picture of me.

To help you digest this absurdity, I have included some Chinese characters, photographed.


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